Wednesday, January 22, 2014

#1-3 My 23... make that 24 things.

"Thing #1." 7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners

Because I prefer to start on a positive note here, I shall begin with the habit easiest for me which is #4 "Have confidence in yourself as a competent effective learner."  Because I am a life long academician I have fairly well developed strategies and habits which have served me well as a lifelong learner.  (Which I will happily fill in when I am no longer feverish and can form coherent sentences!) I am also autodidactic (please my dear students look it up) and am able to teach myself new subjects which interest me. 

Ah, the habit "hardest" for me.  I have to say it is habit #1 "Begin with the end in mind."  This is really an unfortunate catch phrase.  I have an intense aversion to even hearing it spoken.  It is so often bandied about as the be all and end all of education that it has lost it's meaning for me.  To me this phrase is a good example of how too much of a good thing can have the opposite effect.

"Thing #2." Post an avatar!!!  Though I put a "non arty" avatar up for this blog, check out the avatar I use most often:

Ha!!  I love this avatar and it actually represents my quirky personality quite well!

Doppleme continues to thwart my efforts to make a little somewhat plastic looking doppleganger of myself for my avatar.  I shall continue to soldier on in my battle.

HA!!! Doppleme I am victorious!! I have defeated your puny attempts to thwart my doppleganger!  Fear me doppleme, fear me!

"Thing #3." Register your blog..... I was assured by the autobot that my request was winging it's way to Dr. Walls.


  1. I am working on gaining more confidence in myself as a competent and effective learner. I am always curious how others keep themselves motivated. What is one strategy that you have relied upon lately?

  2. Wow Delma.... Hmmmm..... um.... I need to think about that.
